“The original music is composed by Szymon Brzoska and Ruben Lebaniegos and enhances the cultural mix on stage with its assorted elements of flamenco, classical, medieval and Arabic music. It is performed live and perfectly complements the choreography.”

- Julie Taylor, Bachtrack

In Dunas, Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui returns with another of his remarkable cross-cultural collaborations, this time developed with flamenco superstar Maria Pages. We travelled all together to the Moroccan desert to draw inspiration from its endlessly shifting landscapes and sandy dunes. It was very exciting to team up with original flamenco musicians and start a dialogue between my own musical language, Spanish rhythms of the flamenco footwork and beautiful voice of El-Arabi Serghini, who features in Lament, one of the pieces I wrote for Dunas.

Direction & Choreography: Maria Pages and Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui
Music: Szymon Brzoska and Ruben Lebaniegos
Taranto’s Music: “Fyty” Carillo
Costume Design: Alexandra Gilbert and Maria Pages
Lightning Design: Felipe Ramos
Video Design: Joan Rodon
Maria Pages Company, Madrid, 2009