“The stage action is totally immersed in the music – a stunning score for string orchestra and the piano by the young Pole Szymon Brzóska, alternately warm, fierce and strident, energetic and soothing.”

- Marc Haegeman, Dancing Times

“This quasi-digital stage world gets much of its warmth from the score, designed by Szymon Brzóska as a companion to Stravinsky. It is a wonderful piece, with abrupt transitions from metallic beats to moody, cinematic sections.”

- Laura Cappelle, Financial Times

Overture was my first opportunity to work with British choreographer David Dawson, who is internationally acclaimed as one of the major innovators of classical ballet. The piece, inspired by T.S. Eliot’s Four Quartets talks about universal timelessness, eternity and spiritual humanity.

The music, composed for a piano and large string orchestra (performed live by the Holland Symfonia) takes us on a journey through constant transformations: seasons, moods, colors and relationships.
The piano part is specially written for and performed by Barbara Drazkowska, a wonderful pianist with whom I’ve been working for several years.

Choreography: David Dawson
Music: Szymon Brzóska
Set Design: Eno Henze
Costume Design: Yumiko Takeshima
Lighting Design: Bert Dalhuijsen
Conductor: Matthew Rowe

Het Nationale Ballet, Amsterdam 2013